Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lucy's 1st day of PRESCHOOL!

Ever since Mae started kindergarten, Lu has been anxiously patiently (ahem...) waiting her turn to start preschool.  We signed her up for the same preschool Mae did that we absolutely LOVED!  When the day finally came, she was EXCITED.  She even got a little pose-y for me taking pictures which NEVER happens.  While she was at school I got a call from my friend who was there helping out saying that Lu had been SO excited she had an "accident" while she was there.  WHAT???  She must had really been excited because she has not done that in a LONG time.  Luckily they were able to find her a change of clothes and the rest of the morning I sat there worrying that she would come home embarrassed about what had happened.  Nope.  She was unphased and just went on and on about how much fun she had at school.  I worried about her not wanting to get out of the car, but never this.  She is just so unpredictable.  Lu has continued to LOVE school and can't wait for it every day.  How grateful I am for her teachers and what they are teaching her and how happy she is with her school.  

I remember when she was just this little blonde round-headed, chubby cheeked little baby and now she is this beautiful, spunky big thing going to SCHOOL.  Wow.  You are such a big girl Luey!