Sunday, December 15, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday LUCY!

On August 31st, Lucy turned FOUR years old and we had SUCH a good day with our little blondie!  We woke up that morning and opened presents from us, did the birthday breakfast and then later had her birthday party at the Rec Center.  It is slim pickings here for birthday places, but luckily we love bounce houses so it was all good :)

Lu had been dying for an end table just like Mae for awhile now and finally she got one!

Lu was dead set on a Rainbow Dash birthday, not My Little Pony, JUST Rainbow Dash...  My brother and his wife and their two girls were able to make the drive down and come visit and that was just icing on the cake for Lu to have Miya there to play with!

I love these pictures with all the kids huddled around Lu opening cute :)

And they had SOOOOOO MUCH FUN on the bounce house!

Emme's favorite part was the candy...

It was a WONDERFUL day celebrating the life changing four years we have had with Lu.  I am so grateful for her.  She has challenged me more than I thought possible, but I love her a whole lot more than I ever thought possible.  She entered this world SCREAMING her face off, but she makes everyday better with her sweet smile.  We love you SO much Lu!