Saturday, August 31, 2013

Preschool Carnival

Mae's preschool did an awesome end of school carnival for all the kids and their families and it was so much fun for the girls and I.  They had all these fun activities and the girls had an absolute BLAST!  Here is our little preschool clown herself!

They had a little duck pond with rubber duckies in it and Emme seriously LOVED it.  She kept climbing in and would NOT leave it.

 They had a face painter and Mae decided to go with a "Mermaid Princess" theme (how in the world the face painter had any clue what to paint is beyond me), but it was exactly what Mae wanted.

Lu loves rainbows and I loved how her's turned out.

The also had a clown there to make balloon animals--another fascinating thing to the girls!  Mae chose a pink poodle and Lu decided on Ariel the Little Mermaid (which I didn't get a picture of) that was actually really amazing!

Lu, Mae and Reagan-- BFFs!  Love these cute friends!