Thursday, August 29, 2013


We were in Ogden this year for Easter also this year.  We were able to go to an Easter egg hunt in my mom's neighborhood and the girls LOVED it.  There were a ton of kids, but we ended up with more than enough candy!  A special visitor even made an appearance.

Emme was convinced that her basket was a hat and we couldn't keep it off her head.

She wasn't too interested in finding stuff, but when she did happen upon a candy, there was no physical way of getting it away from her.  She'd unwrap it and shove it in her mouth so fast I have no idea how much candy she actually ingested...this is her OINK face!  She is such a sugar junkie!

Mr. Easter bunny in all his glory.  Lu was a little creeped out by him (and honestly I can't blame her) but the other two were quick to jump into his lap and get their picture taken.

Easter morning the girls were sooooooooooo  relieved that the Easter bunny had found us at Grandma's house and were running about grabbing this as fast as they could--hence the blurry pictures.

He even brought them some Easter dresses and here they are all gussied up...I may be a little biased, but these are possibly the three most beautiful girls I've ever seen!

The dresses didn't last long when there are horses involved :)

Later that day we all got together and Grandpa and Grandma Peterson's for yet another Easter egg hunt.  This time Emme had gotten the hang of it a little bit better, though she did manage to shove a few in her mouth before we could stop her.

What a wonderful Easter with our family and these three amazing girls!  Love them like crazy!