Thursday, August 29, 2013

March: Visit to Ogden

In March the girls and I were able to make a visit down to Ogden and like always we were BUSY, BUSY, BUSY while we were there.  One day, we loaded all the grandkids up and headed down to the Zoo.  It started raining on the way and we made an executive decision to go to the aquarium instead.  We had been there before and the girls have always loved it...and they loved it even more with all their cousins.  It was pretty crazy with all of them, but we pushed through :)


Emme couldn't stop hugging Miya!

After we left the aquarium, the rain had lifted and we thought "what the heck?"  AND hit the Zoo hard on the way home!  The girls were MORE than thrilled to do BOTH!

Probably about the cutest picture ever.  Mae and Miya holding hands in the double stroller.  Makes my heart happy :)

We had a truly FABULOUS, but exhausting day!  Love all these cute cousins!

We also spent some time at the mall--shopping and playing!  The girls were in awe of the "mall" since we lowly Vernalites do not have one.

This is a preview of years to come--shopping with my girls!  Can't wait for all those fun shopping trips I foresee in our future!

We were also able to spend some time with my friend Jamie and her kids, and what afternoon is complete without ice cream?  Especially when it's Farr's!

Both the girls made new BFFs this trip.  Mae and Emery are the cutest little friends whenever we go down to visit.  I love seeing these two together!

And Lu and Carden hit it off as well.  Seriously, freaking cute!

We also always have to have a group tub with the girls whenever we go to Grandma's.  Love all these little nakeds!

We had such a good time, as always, when we got to Ogden.  Love having time with my family and the girls!