Thursday, May 31, 2012

"L" is for Lindsay!

So a couple weekends ago my AWESOME friend Lindsay drove all the way up to Vernal to visit and let me borrow her MAD decorating skillz!  We worked on a bunch of projects, went picking and just about ate our body weight in Sweet Tooth Fairy Cupcakes Miss Stratford was kind enough to bring for a belated birthday celebration!  How awesome is she???  Surprisingly for us, we were sooooo busy we didn't take very many pictures--ODD, so these few will have to do!
Since I had TWO friends in ONE place, I just had to get them together--me, Linz and Shauna after a ROUGH day of pickin'!

The LOOT we scored...well SOME of it!

My new aqua painted wall...You can't tell, but we did quite the damage on this small piece of wall!  Who'dve thought the metal anchors on the mirror wouldn't hold after being taken down?  Apprently NOT us...Not going to lie, I wanted to cry just a littel bit after we hung it back up (and before we had put the cabinet back underneath it) and it came CRASHING to the floor and took out a HUGE chunk of my brand new baseboards :(  All's well--the cabinet covered up our diseaster very nicely...Take note of the cute little yellow stand and blue birdie...Courtesy of Lindsay herself!  What a cool gal!

Remember this chair I scored months ago at the D.I.???  Well, I painted it coral to match my bedroom and Linz is a pro at reupholstering so TA-DA it is finally finished and adnorning my room every so nicely!

We these decorative cubbies (I really have no idea what else to call them) above our kitchen and dining room so I printed off some silly pictures of the girlies had Mr. Handyman himself (aka Coby) make me some frames, which I then painted and WALLA!  Linz helped me arrange them and keep them standing up without the use of easels!  She introduced me to a new stability technique:  Jump as hard as you can underneath them and make sure they don't fall on your head...BRILLIANT!!!

Linz then helped me put my newly revamped yellow clock in the other one with some vintage bowling pins I had found months before.  And then Cobes hung up the sign I had made out of some wood the contractor of our home and ones under construction very kindly "gave" me...I say gave me, because hey he's the one who left it out unattended.  It's a little hard to read in the pic, but it reads "The best things in life are FREE"...very fitting I might add.
The most daunting task for me was figuring out what to put above my beatiful kitchen cabinets...It was very bare and sterile before El-say got here and took control!  With just a little counter balancing--and some $$$ for "surplies" here is the finished masterpiece...Isn't Lindsay AMAZING?!!

I'm sooooooooo lucky to have such a WONDERFUL friend!  Thanks Linz for coming out!  It was a
B-L-A-S-T and remember who are welcome back ANYTIME!  How's next weekend???


Coonradt Casa said...
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