Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mini Dance Recital

This post is beyond late in making its appearance in the blog, but at least it is here FINALLY!  A few months ago Mae and Lu had a dance performance at the Cheer Review at the High School.  They just did one number, but got all decked out in the fairy tutu's and wings for their "Tinkerbell" dance.  They were the VERY LAST performers, which made for a very long night with two very anxious little girls.  Mae was almost in a panic that she wasn't going to get to go out and dance for everyone.  Luckily, they eventually made it on the stage and they both danced their little hearts out!  This was Lu's first performance being in Mae's class and she was soooooo excited to have her sister there with her!

          They were definitely the most beautiful ballerinas in the whole bunch!  NO CONTEST!!!