Friday, May 25, 2012


Daddy had his big 3-1 birthday this year (WOW, what an OLD man!)  We had the fam over for cake and ice cream to celebrate the big day!

 All ready to blow out the MANY, MANY candles on the cake...with Mae's help of course!

Zai and Lu singing to Coby...How cute are these two???  They really are "kissing cousins!"  We might just have to intervene soon...

We are all soooooooo grateful for Daddy in our lives!  I'm so extremely blessed to have him as a wonderful hubby, provider and father to my girls!  Growing up not have my dad as a big part of my life has made me even MORE grateful (if that's possible) that my girls have him as a dad!  He works so hard, takes such good care of us and is just SOOOOOO much fun!  WE LOVE YOU DAD!!!!