Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Mae-Mae!

I cannot believe it, but Mae is FOUR! Seriously, I know it is cliche, but where has the time gone?!!! It has absolutely FLOWN by! When we asked Mae what kind of birthday party she wanted she was very adament about a bowling party--this chick LOVES to bowl!

We were so lucky to have so many family members and friends make it to her party--what a lucky girl she is to have all these people love her! Grandpa Frankie, Grandma Laurie, Grandpa Gary and Grandma Barbara all drove up for the party and brought along Miss Miya! Nana was in town too so we were so glad to have her there for the party! Even Grandma Shirley and Dave drove up to be there to celebrate with us! Mae giving Gpa Frankie rocks or high-five...not sure which!
Lu and her favorite person, Grandma Barbara, knocking those pins DOWN!

Mae and her dadda...I love how they are looking at each other in this pic, even if it is a little blurry.

Miya's blowling stance...what a CUTE bum!


Mae and her friend Kamren--such a CUTE pic!

Happy girl with her pizza!

Poor Grandma Barbara getting bombarded by all the kids...I'd feel bad for her if she hadn't started it!

Miss Lu after her turn...she looks so grown up in those bowling shoes!

Mae informed me literally MONTHS ago that she wanted a Sleeping Beauty cake for her birthday...This was the best I could do!

Guess she liked it!


Who doesn't love $$$$--cha-ching!

Whatever it is, me and Kam are pretty excited about it!

Cute girl in her new birthday hat!

We had such a great day with our BIG girl and are sooooooooooo glad she is OURS! We love you Mae and are so proud of the girl you are becoming! Happy birthday sweetie!


Hollie said...

ASH..good job on that cake!! its looks awesome:) Mae is so cute and I cant believe is 4!! Looks like that bowling party was a HIT!

Anonymous said...

wonder what she is willing to let me do to her for $20