Monday, June 4, 2012

Spring Review!

In May, Lu and Mae had their sprin review dance recital and they were so unbelievably excited! Grandma Laurie came to visit for a few days before and managed to give herself a concussion and run us ragged! But we loved it! The girls did two dances, their ballet one-- to the song from Tinkerbell "Fly" and tap- "Splish Splash." They got to wear their cute tutu's and wings for Tinkerbell and their swimsuits for "Splish Splash."

It was all fun and games UNTIL....

That's right-Lu lost it! The dance recital didn't start til 7:30 (their normal bedtime) and I think with all that we had done the past few days, she just wasn't feeling it--bummer.

But nothing could stop Mae from getting up on that stage! As usual, she danced her little heart out and LOVED every moment of it!

COSTUME CHANGE--and I still couldn't convince Lu that she wanted to dance :(

Yep, gym floors and tap shoes do not mix, but don't worry, she was up lickity-split and still dancing!

Strike a pose!

So proud of my girls, even if Lu didn't feel like dancing! I love watching them dance and learn new things and most importantly HAVE FUN!


Anonymous said...

on her hands and knees bum in the air, pull her bottoms down, grab her little hips and bum f--k her