Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mother's request: Time please slow down.

A Gray's Anatomy marathon has turned into a full out bawl fest after an interuption from my sweet Lu... She has never been a great sleeper (why sleep when you could PLAY???) and usually it ends with frustration on all our parts. BUT tonight when Lu started crying I went in geared up for the usual battle to get her to go back to sleep and I'm so grateful I didn't just let her cry it out tonight...She was so groggy from sleep and asked for "more milk." I caved (I'm a big softie) and when I brought it back into her, she did the CUTEST thing she always does before bed, but in her sleepy little state I found it even more endearing. She kissed one of my cheeks and then turned my face around in her cute little hands, kissed my other cheek and then my lips. As I came back out, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I HATE how fast the time is fleeting with my precious little girls because I LOVE the time we have now SO much that I just want to freeze it. I feel like I just became a mother with my first precious baby, Mae with those beautiful BIG, inquisitive eyes looking up at me, and now she is almost 4--going on 18. And then I think about my sweet crazy little, toe-headed Lu and her plump little cheeks and THAT grin (if you know her, you know which one I am speaking of) already 2 and making sure she is leaving her *MARK* on the world. And now Miss Em, already HALF a YEAR old with her SWEET open-mouthed ear to ear grin and those cheeks I just cannot stop kissing. While I know we will have so many more wonderful memories, I can't help but love all that we have had and love trying to keep them little for as long as I can.

I'm so tempted to go sneak back into my Lu's room and rock her a little while longer...and then while I'm at it stop in with Mae and Em...