Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Emme 6 months

I know all mothers think they kids are the cutest, but let's be honest, mine really are!..The proof is below. I haven't been as good about taking pictures lately and so with Emme turning SIX whole months tomorrow, I HAD to make sure a get a few of this little sweetie! I am sooooooooo unbelievably grateful for our precious little Em. #3 was our last attempt at having a boy and truly I am so thankful that we didn't and were blessed with this little doll. I cannot imagine not having her as a part of our family. She has completed our family just perfectly. I was talking with some random person the other day and he was saying he has just girls too and with their third baby they did everything "by the book" to get a boy and lo and behold, they ended up with another little girl. He went on to say that his third daughter was his "total sweetie" and didn't know what he'd do if they'd had the little boy they had thought they wanted...and that is exactly how I feel about Em. She is truly such an angel (granted she is being held). She LOVES to snuggle and be with her family. She gives us the BIGGEST smiles and has made all of our lives so happy! The time has absolutely FLOWN by and I cannot seriously believe she is already HALF a YEAR old! So here's a few of my little l0ve-bug Emme. I didn't get a lot of smiles as she was so perplexed by the camera, but I think she looks absolutely darling! Nana and Papa gave her this ADORABLE dress for Christmas and I knew I had to get some pix of her in it before she outgrew it :( sad days!

It still shocks me that I am able to love all my girls sooooooo unbelievably much! Before you have them, you kinda think there is no possible way you will love them as much as you do, not to mention love each of them as much as the next--and that realization has been one of the greatest surprises of being a mother to my BEAUTIFUL girls!

Goodness gracious Emme, how we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you, sweet girl!