Sunday, June 29, 2014

Taste of Spring

We had a few days in February that were absolutely DIVINE, with a capital D, positively spring-like and believe you me, we took full advantage of it.  Verna's winters are hard on this warm-blooded girl and that little bit of Vitamin D made the rest of the winter seem do-able. 
 We had lunch outside--just look how happy those girls look in the sun...

and we went to the park (notice Lu's shirt-that's right sleeveless) where this happened:  monkey bars all by herself.  SLOW DOWN LU!
We also got the Barbie car running and went driving all over the neighborhood, happy as clams...Who says this is only a two-seater?

Winter wasn't quite over yet, but this little vacay from the negatives was just the refresher I needed.