Saturday, March 28, 2015


On a whim, Coby was able to get a few days off around the 24th of July and we decided to whisk the girls off to Salt Lake and have a mini vacay!  Whenever we head up that way we always end up spending so much time in Ogden that we haven't done too much in Salt Lake. We wanted to show the Temple Square and all the things around that and hit up the Thanksgiving Point Museums as well.  And things literally could not have been better!

DAY 1:
By far probably the most exciting thing on the trip for the girls was the hotel!  They were THRILLED to be there and just kept saying how nice it was ;) 
The immediately staked their claim on their bed and there was no budging them.

Once we got over the excitement of the hotel, the first thing we did was hit Temple Square.  We had two cute sister missionaries show us around the Visitors Center and saw a new film about families and got to visit the Christus.  I love this picture of the girls--I can't believe how big they have gotten right before our eyes!

Then the missionaries took us over to the Tabernacle and we learned about the organ pipes there and the amazing acoustics that are in that building.

After that, we walked around the grounds and the girls got so see up close how beautiful the temple is.

After we worked up a sweat walking around the heat, the girls were DYING to try out the hotel's pool.  Here are my little nerd babies all geared up and ready for a swim!  In truth, we probably could have bagged the whole trip and just stuck with the pool and they would have been HAPPY.  Had we not been actively trying to keep all three of them from drowning, I would have loved to take some pictures of them actually in the pool.  They looked so cute holding onto their little donuts and kicking their little legs...

Once we were able to pry the girls from the pool, we decided to introduce them to a little place called the Olive Garden...and it did not disappoint.  

The girls all LOVED the food and were such good girls, but Mae especially appreciated it.  She told us it was the "best dinner ever."  Amen sista!

And no shocker here, but Emme thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate cake we had for dessert and did NOT want to share.

DAY 2:
We started the day off with a bang and hit the Curiosity Museum at Thanksgiving Point.  It.Was.Fun...and VERY crowded!  They had a MILLION things to do: stage to put on plays, sound and music recording fun, dance studios, stores, a water and wind world, climbing wall, bug room, lego room and SO MUCH MORE!  There is a huge rope and slide playground and the girls were super excited to see it, but it was total chaos and the girls were only a little too relieved to leave that crazy place and spend some time in the bug room, quietly examining and drawing bugs...ha ha!

The water room was my favorite part.  All the kids got to put on rain boots and coats and play with PVC pipes and troughs and get complete soaked.

Then there was the wind tunnel to help dry them off and the girls thought that was hilarious.

After seeing all we could see and battling the crowds, we walked over to the Ancient Life Museum and spent some time there learning about dinosaurs and all that good stuff.  This museum was MUCH less crowded and that was a welcome change.
 The girls spent a loooooonnnngggg time digging in the giant sand box discovering all kinds of dinosaur bones.

After that museum, can you guess what we did next...that's right-- SWIM!!!  We couldn't hold them off any longer :)  Afterwards, it was dinner and the girls decided that for their souvenir the wanted to visit Build-A-Bear and make a friend to take home.  After the HUGE decision of what animal to get, we finally got started on making them.  Lu chose a horse, Emme a brown dog and Mae a bulldog.

Here they are making a wish on their hearts to put in their animals.

Em was taking this pretty seriously ;)

Finally, the were done, dressed and named!  Mae named her's Buster, Em's Chocolate, and Lu's Sally.

Em insisted on carrying her big box herself even on the walk back to the hotel.

The girls were thrilled with their new little friends and were so excited to snuggle with them that night!

Day 3:
We had promised the girls a trip to one of their favorite places, Chuck-E-Cheese and so on Saturday we had a lunch there before finishing off the last of the Thanksgiving Point attractions.  Living in Vernal, we don't have places like Chuck-E-Cheese's (yet) and the girls think it is just about the coolest place. Ever.

After lunch, we went back to Thanksgiving Point and went to Farm Country, probably my favorite part of the trip and the girls LOVED it too!  It was the least crowded of all and we got to wander around the farm and see animals, go on a wagon and pony ride and even milk a cow! YEE-HAW!

After that we hit and movie Planes: Fire & Rescue to COOL OFF from the heat before heading to our last event of the trip, Koo-Koo Kangaroo Concert in the Park where the girls bounced around, rolled down the hills and danced to the music!

Sunday morning, our trip had come to an end and it was time to go home!  The past few days had been absolute bliss with the girls and they had all been so good while we run them ragged and it finally caught up to little Em and she had a full blown MELT DOWN...while the rest of us laughed our faces off. Poor girl!

It truly was such a wonderful trip and we couldn't have asked for a better time with our sweet girls!  I'm so unbelievably thankful for my family it is crazy!  LIFE IS GOOD.