Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dance/Tumbling Pix

This year in dance, Emme was such a funny girl.  You never knew from one moments to the next what she would do.  Miss Marissa would just laugh and shake her head at all Emme's little antics.

 Emme was super excited she got to wear some makeup for dance pictures and she felt like posing even before we got to the studio.

Emme's single pix were super easy, as she was already in the posing mood and felt so fancy, but the group shot was another story...

This picture seriously cracks me up.  You have no idea how long the photographer was working with the girls and who knows how many faces are photoshopped in and this is the best we could get with these little youngsters.  Ha ha!

When I was getting Mae and Lu ready for their tumbling pix and put mascara on Lu I was blown away by those lashes....HOLY COW!  Heaven help us when she gets old enough for BOYS!

I love all these beautiful girls of mine!

When they were taking the group pix, at one point Lu and Ave had their arms around each others shoulders and it was about the cutest thing I'd ever seen.  The photographer told them to put their hands down and I wanted to tell them not to listen to her, but I held it in.  It still turned out pretty cute tho...