Saturday, November 16, 2013


On August 15th my baby turned T-W-O!  I cannot believe how fast the time has gone since we brought this little, sweet full haired baby home from the hospital--and I'm so grateful for this little "joy" we have in our family!  She woke up ready to part-ay and we delivered :)  She loved being the center of attention and opening all her "prizes!"

 Her sisters were so good to her and excited for her to open all her presents...

 For her big present, we got her this Minnie Mouse couch that opens up to storage and I'd say from that face, that she liked it!

We had our traditional birthday morning breakfast with candles in her "faffle" and she was so cute and excited for us to sing happy birthday and blow out her candles.

Happy birthday to this little ham!  We love you so much it hurts baby!